01202 473800

Sporting Upper Limb Masterclass on 5th & 6th March

Apr 20, 2022

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Ian Gatt, Boxing Physio

We are delighted to be welcoming Ian Gatt, Head of Performance Services and Lead Physiotherapist at GB Boxing to run his Sporting Upper Limb Masterclass at our clinic on the 5th & 6th March 2022.

The course is a great opportunity for clinicians to gain some crucial hands-on CPD with a top industry professional.

Ian has been a sports physiotherapist for over 20 years, with a considerable period spent managing the medical services for the Great Britain Boxing program. He has attended all major competitions, including multiple Olympic and Commonwealth Games, supporting elite athletes on their path to success. He is an Upper Limb Injury Specialist with the prestigious English Institute of Sport (EIS), providing an advisory role to Olympic and Paralympic Sports. He is also the physiotherapist/cutman with team Anthony Joshua.

Ian has a passion for teaching. He delivers regular national and international educational workshops, webinars, and conferences on diverse areas linked to Upper Limb sport injuries. He is a visiting Lecturer at University College London (UCL) and Queen Mary University London (QMUL), and a PhD candidate in Upper Limb Biomechanics at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU).

The 2-day Sporting Upper Limb masterclass has been shaped to combine effective methods of assessment, treatment, and functional rehabilitation of the whole Upper Limb; Hand, Wrist, Elbow and Shoulder.

Designed for physiotherapists, occupational therapists, sports therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, doctors, and other allied professionals, the session allows clinicians to enhance their existing knowledge and impact positively in their respective practice. Whether you are working in a private clinic, hospital setting, MOD, or sporting environment, you can expect the content to be immediately applicable to your role, engaging you with learning in an interactive and fun environment.

Course Aims:

  • Functional and simplified overview of the applied anatomy mechanics of the Upper Limb
  • Assessment and Treatment approaches for the Upper Limb
  • Kinetic Chain considerations of the Upper Limb for both assessment and treatment approaches
  • Clinical reasoning for treatment and rehabilitation progression, with the inclusion of real case studies
  • Use of objective measures for Upper Limb to enhance return to sport & return to performance

Do get in touch for more information on the course programme or to book your place by emailing or calling 01202 473800. We are really pleased to be getting back to some face-to-face CPD and look forward to seeing you at the course in March.

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