A beautiful space to connect deeply with yourself and other women in a truly nourishing, healing and transformational way.
Why join a Grit & Grace women’s empowerment circle?
Sharon is a Leadership and Life Coach, Facilitator and NLP Practitioner with a passion for helping others create and lead joyful, meaningful lives right now, regardless of their life circumstances. Grounded in the “mastery of self”, Sharon helps people create “real change” in a “real” world. Using an intuitive, challenging style, Sharon “rocks the boat” in a way that supports people in liberating their untapped potential and achieving their life goals. Her 30 years in positions of leadership, coaching leaders as well as “life’s lessons” have evolved her practice to help people let go of who they feel they should be to become their authentic selves, inside and out. You can find out more about Sharon and her work here: https://www.inshineout.com/.