01202 473800

Running Repairs course on 24th & 25th September

Sep 22, 2022

Tom Goom the running physio running the Brighton marathonWe are delighted to be welcoming running injury specialist Tom Goom, widely known as ‘The Running Physio’, to run his Running Repairs course at our clinic on the 24th & 25th September 2022. The course is well-timed as October sees lots of running events, including the Great South Run, London Marathon, Contender Fest, Bournemouth running weekend and many more.

Running Repairs is an evidence-based course with a strong practical element to help physiotherapists and health professionals manage running injuries. Course leader Tom has gained a worldwide audience and a growing reputation in the sports medicine community due to his extensive writing on running-related injury. He has been involved in a number of research projects and is best known for his work in Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy. Tom is passionate about turning research findings and theory into practical solutions for patients in everyday clinics.

This two day course aims to provide clinicians with the skills and knowledge required to assess and treat all common running injuries.

There is a strong focus on practical solutions with real clinical value as well as a thorough discussion of theory. Recent research is integrated with clinical reasoning to provide an effective, evidence-based approach.

The course is suitable for most health professionals involved in managing athletes, including non-physios. There is a strong focus on strength and conditioning, exercise prescription and movement analysis. The course does include some ‘hands on’ treatment, but the majority of the content is focused on exercise-based interventions.

Course Aims:

  • Understand the potential causes of running injury and be able to identify them
  • Appreciate the importance of injury prevention and the clinician’s role within it
  • Modify training volume, intensity and frequency to suit a client’s needs
  • Assess running gait and provide re-education where indicated
  • Prescribe strength and conditioning programmes with a deeper understanding of how they affect pathology, pain and performance
  • Integrate a depth of knowledge to treat tendinopathy, plantar fasciopathy, patellofemoral pain and other conditions commonly seen in runners

Do get in touch for more information on the course programme or to book your place by emailing or calling 01202 473800.

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